You'll be astonished at the skilled artists' effort while performing, dancing to the tunes, and mimicking animals to showcase the jungle theme. Characters like hyenas, Timon, Zazu, and Pumbaa are actors with giant puppets or adorned costumes.

You can see giraffes balancing on stilts. Most animals are actors in costumes, moving here and there with tools. It presents the hurdles and difficulties he had to face to be the jungle king. The Lion King is about Simba and his life journey.

The award-winning movie stands out with decorated puppets and masks. Book your tickets below! About the Musical We bet you'll come out with joy and tears all at once. Want to live out your childhood too? Hit the theater with the best tickets in the house and take a trip down memory lane. The outstanding musical, based on the incredible Walt Disney animated movie, takes you down on a trip of childhood memories. The Lion King is roaring in the theatres of Broadway, and it's time you go and watch your favorite Simba becoming the best king the jungle has ever seen.